Advanced B2B Intent Data: Key to Higher Close Rates?

Key Highlights

  • B2B intent data provides valuable insights into a potential buyer’s behavior and preferences
  • Intent data or buying signals can improve lead scoring and prioritization, leading to more effective sales efforts
  • Advanced intent data from Digital Sales Room tools allow sellers to close more deals faster
  • Advanced signals can also enhance customer retention and upselling opportunities


In today’s B2B landscape, buyers are more empowered than ever. They spend a significant amount of time researching independently before reaching out to a rep.

According to Gartner, B2B buyers spend about 83% of their time conducting research before making a purchase. As a result, reaching these buyers during their research phase has become crucial for businesses. This is where B2B intent data, the best way to target key accounts during their research phase, comes into play.

It is a valuable tool that provides insights into potential customers’ behavior and preferences. It helps reps understand buyer intent and tailor their prospecting efforts accordingly. By leveraging this type of data, teams can identify which prospects are showing the highest propensity to purchase and act swiftly.

Why should I care about B2B intent data?

Buyer signal data provides valuable insights into a potential buyer’s behavior and preferences. It offers visibility into whether someone is considering buying a specific product or service. This data gives sellers an inside look into prospects’ buying signals, whether they are obvious or subtle. These signals can include researching company reviews, downloading reports, or booking a demo. By adding buyer signals into sales strategy, businesses can significantly increase their success rate.

What are the Key Signals in B2B Intent Data?

Key signals in B2B intent data can include actions such as visiting a specific webpage, downloading strategic collateral, going through an interactive demo, or checking out a proposal.

Identifying and analyzing key intent signals allows sellers to focus their resources on prospects who have shown the highest intent to purchase. This can significantly improve deal conversion and buyer experience.

Navigating Through Noise: What Signals Matter?

When navigating through the vast amount of data available in B2B intent data, it’s important to focus on the signals that truly matter. Here are some key signals that sellers should pay attention to:

  • Webpage visits: Monitoring lead magnet page visits can provide insights into a potential buyer’s interest in a specific product or service.
  • Content downloads: When a prospect downloads content such as whitepapers or case studies, it indicates a higher level of interest and engagement.
  • Engagement with marketing campaigns: Tracking engagement with marketing campaigns, such as email opens or clicks, can indicate a potential buyer’s interest in a specific offering.
  • Requesting a demo: When a prospect requests a demo or a trial of a product, it shows a strong intent to evaluate and potentially purchase.
  • Checking out a deal room: Multiple visits of a deal room on a frequent basis strongly correlates with willingness to purchase.

As a result, revenue organisations can prioritize their efforts and tailor their revenue strategies to the most relevant and interested prospects.

Sales teams leverage advanced B2B intent data with digital sales room software Stageset

From Signal to Sale: Acting on Buyer Intent

Once key signals in buyer intent data have been identified, it’s important to act on them effectively to drive business. Here are some strategies for turning buyer signals into ClosedWon:

  • Personalization: Tailor outreach and content based on the specific signals and preferences of each potential buyer.
  • Timely follow-up: Act on buyer signals promptly by reaching out to potential buyers with relevant information and offers.
  • Lead nurturing: Develop a nurturing strategy that keeps potential buyers engaged and interested throughout the buyer’s journey.
  • Sales enablement: Equip inside and field teams with the necessary tools and information to effectively engage with potential buyers and convert leads into customers.

By leveraging these signals and taking appropriate action, revenue teams can significantly enhance their close rates.

Leveraging B2B Intent Data for Outreach

Intent data provides valuable insights into a potential buyer’s behavior and preferences, allowing revenue teams to personalize their approaches and engage with potential buyers at the right time.

By leveraging B2B intent data, sales leaders can start building relationships with potential buyers, and increase conversion rates by targeting those who are actively researching and ready to buy.

This includes using intent data to identify potential customers with high purchase intent for targeted outreach and filling your pipeline with better opportunities, faster.

Account Prioritization with Intent Data

One of the key benefits of intent data is the ability to customize outreach approaches based on buyer intent. By leveraging data, reps can gain insights into a potential buyer’s specific needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor their pitches and approaches accordingly.

Customizing sales approaches with intent data involves understanding a potential buyer’s pain points, offering relevant solutions, and addressing their specific concerns and objections. This personalized approach not only increases the chances of conversion but also helps build trust and credibility with potential buyers.

By leveraging intent data, revenue teams can deliver a more personalized buying experience, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Timing Your Follow up Perfectly

Timing is crucial when it comes to follow-up, and intent data can play a significant role in ensuring that messages are delivered at the right time. By leveraging third-party intent data and engagement data, reps can identify when a potential buyer is showing a high level of intent, indicating that they are in the right stage of the buyer’s journey, to receive a follow-up. This engagement data is collected from various lead source channels such as your DSR, lead magnet, social media, etc.

The Role of Digital Sales Rooms in Intent-Based Selling

Digital sales rooms started playing a larger role in B2B sales, providing middle-of-the-funnel signals from buyers. In essence, digital sales rooms provide a dedicated platform where buyers can access relevant information, compare different products or services, and make informed decisions.

By leveraging signals coming from buyer activity in deal rooms, revenue teams qualify their leads better, and use these signals for a spot-on follow-ups. This significantly boosts win rates and enhances buyer experience.

How Digital Sales Rooms Enhance Buyer Evaluation

Digital sales rooms enhance buyer evaluation by providing a centralized platform where potential buyers can access all the information they need to make an informed decision. These platforms often include product catalogs, pricing information, customer reviews, and other relevant resources.

With all the necessary information in one place, buyers compare different options, evaluate their features and benefits, and make a well-informed decision. Digital sales rooms also allow for interactive experiences, such as virtual tours or product demonstrations, which can further enhance the buyer evaluation process.

Signals coming from the DSRs allow sales teams to tailor content for potential buyers, follow up at the right time and close deals much faster.

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The Shift from Discovery to Evaluation Mode

Traditionally, the buyer’s journey in B2B sales started with the discovery phase, where buyers identified their needs and explored potential solutions. However, with the abundance of information available online, buyers now often enter the evaluation mode before reaching out to sales teams.

In the evaluation mode, buyers conduct independent research, compare different options, and evaluate the features and benefits of each solution. This shift in the buyer’s journey highlights the importance of providing relevant and valuable information during the evaluation phase.

By leveraging intent data from DSRs, sales teams can identify when potential buyers enter the evaluation mode and tailor their efforts accordingly. This allows sales teams to provide the right information at the right time, increasing the chances of closure.

Tools and Platforms for B2B Intent Data

Several tools and platforms are available for analyzing and interpreting intent data:

  • Digital Sales Rooms: DSR tools like Stageset provide a single place for sellers and buyers to collaborate on a deal. Analytics available in DSRs provide strong signals towards purchasing behavior.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) tools: CRM tools like Hubspot provide a centralized database for storing and analyzing intent data, enabling sales teams to track and nurture leads effectively.
  • Intent data providers: Various intent data providers like 6Sense offer comprehensive intent data solutions, providing valuable insights into buyer behavior and preferences.
  • Analytics platforms: Analytics platforms such as Google Analytics provide insights into website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, helping marketers and sales teams understand buyer intent.

By leveraging these tools and platforms, sales and marketing teams can better analyze and interpret intent data, leading to improved win rates.


In the realm of B2B sales, understanding intent data is becoming paramount. By harnessing key signals and leveraging digital sales rooms, businesses can enhance buyer evaluation and customize sales approaches effectively. The evolution of intent data underscores the shift towards a more targeted, personalized sales strategy. Integrating technology and embracing continuous learning are crucial steps in maximizing the impact of intent data on win rates. Through success stories and best practices, companies can navigate through the noise, identify actionable signals, and drive sales with precision and timeliness. Embracing intent data is not just an option; it’s the key to unlocking sales effectiveness in the digital age.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes Intent Data Crucial for B2B Sales?

Intent data is crucial for B2B sales as it provides valuable insights into buyer behavior and preferences, allowing sales teams to personalize their approaches and increase their chances of conversion.

How Can Businesses Start Implementing Intent Data?

Businesses can start implementing intent data by leveraging tools and platforms that analyze and interpret buyer intent signals. By integrating intent data with sales and marketing strategies, businesses can enhance close rates.