MAP Template for B2B sellers

Get the free Mutual Action Plan template for Google Sheets

Closing big B2B deals is difficult, also for the Pro’s. Create structure in the closing phase by introducing a Mutual Action Plan and get your buyers to collaborate with you in your deals.

Stageset offers a free mutual action template for google sheets
Advanced B2b selling

With Stageset you can bring your Mutual Action Plans to the next level

Stagset supports you not just in the closing phase, but throughout the full deal cycle

Executive Summary

Always keep your value added at the forefront of your interactions

Stakeholder Management

Multithread and keep all involved parties up to date – from Management to Procurement

Sales Collateral

Manage your sales collateral in one place and ensure that it always stays up to date

Mutual Action Plan

Engage your buyer by outlining the steps needed to close the deal

Speed up your sales cycles

Support your buying champion in the best possible way and get ownership on the buying side in return


Get unprecedented and always up to date insight into your buyers interest in dealing with you 

Get your unfair advantage today