Share everything on one page to win more deals faster

No more juggling links and attachments. Share all your sales and onboarding materials in one digital sales room. Created in seconds.

Before stageset we used to deal with message apps, emails, documents and online services to share files. Right now, our agents only need to present the URL to our sales rooms, in which we have all the required information. This tool is required if you are a sales professional.​

This is how deals go dark

Files all over the place

Information gets scattered and lost, leading to more emails and unnecessary meetings

Endless email ping pong

They don’t help your prospect sell the idea to their own team

Engagement black box

All you know is that your email was opened – nothing more

Share one link instead

64% faster Sales cycles

Information is centralized, leading to less emails and meetings required

21% higher deal win rate

Prospects can easily share the room to sell the idea to their own team

100% engagement insights

Know who is viewing your room at what time and know which content they interacted with

Stageset has become my new secret weapon when working with clients. My very first partnership deal I used with Stageset closed, with the client mentioning the platform several times as a game-changer and differentiator. If you are in sales, this is a MUST HAVE!

Stageset helps you win more deals faster in four steps

1. Create a digital sales room

Use templates to create a room between your company and others in seconds. Stageset auto-personalizes it for you.

It's pretty easy to understand and use too, both for the client and for the person putting the proposal together.
Image with muliple digital sales rooms
Digital Showroom that embeds Google Slides, Google Sheets, Youtube, Calendly, Loom and Figma

2. Embed & upload any content

Share all your resources on one page. Streamline collaboration by adding next steps, file sharing and call to actions.

I love the possibility that Stageset gives us to concentrate all the relevant information in one place and show it to our clients.

3. Invite prospects via secure link

Command attention with a customizable link preview. Secure link access by domain or password.

It's not only a great platform for digital sales rooms, but it also enables showcase my value proposition to cold leads.
An Invitation to collaborate inside Stageset
Analytics for a digital sales room, tracking what a client viewed, who they invited and that they booked a meeting

4. Track interest

View any actions of your prospective buyers in real-time within the digital sales room for better decision-making.

With Stageset we have more deal insights, faster Sales cycles and a higher deal win rate.

Stageset works with your existing Sales stack

Embed anything

Embed anything

Easily embed any of your Sales tools directly in your Stageset room.

Connect your CRM

Connect your CRM

Automate your CRM updates by connecting Stageset in a few clicks.

Centralize content

Centralize content

Centralize all your Sales content for easy access for your Sales team.

Customize your deal rooms to be on brand

What they say about us

Join hundreds of Sales teams closing more deals faster